カリフォルニア州サンノゼのアッシュ カルラ議員 (民主党) が後援したこの新しい法律は、州の獣医獣医医療委員会の支持を得て、カリフォルニア州議会の両院を満場一致で通過しました。
Medical cannabis for doggies, kitties is fully legalized in California
Newly enacted Assembly Bill 1885 allows veterinarians to “recommend” medical cannabis products for their furry patients. Before, vets could only “discuss” such products with their patients’ owners, leading many vets to avoid the topic rather than risk losing their license.
Sponsored by San Jose, CA, Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D), the new law had the backing of the state’s veterinary Veterinary Medical Board, and unanimously passed both houses of the California legislature.
Vets have been ‘discussing’ using cannabidiol (CBD) as well as low doses of THC to calm seizures, decrease arthritis pain, ease anxiety, and stimulate appetite in animals with cancer.
