ギャラップ社の最新の世論調査によると、マリファナ消費者や、マリファナが社会全体にプラスの影響を与えると考えているアメリカ人は、アルコールについてそう考えているアメリカ人の 2 倍以上です。
回答者の 53% がマリファナが消費者に「プラスの」影響を与えると答え (45% がマイナスの影響を与える)、49% が大麻は社会にとって良いと答えた (反対の意見は 50%)。
アルコールが、飲酒者にとって良いと答えた人はわずか 27% で、アルコールは社会的にポジティブだと答えた人は 23% でした。アメリカ人の 75% が、酒は社会に悪いと言っています。
Americans Say Marijuana Is Better For People And Society Than Alcohol, Gallup Poll Shows
More than twice as many Americans think that marijuana has a positive impact on its consumers and society at large than say the same about alcohol, according to a new Gallup poll.
People who have actually used cannabis are far more likely to tout its positive impacts compared to just a small fraction of alcohol drinkers who feel the same way about their drug of choice
Fifty-three percent of respondents said marijuana has a “positive” impact on the consumer (in contrast to 45 percent negative), and 49 percent said the plant is good for society (compared to 50 percent with the opposite view).
just 27 percent of people said that alcohol is good for the individual drinker and 23 percent said alcohol is a societal positive. Fully 75 percent of Americans say booze is bad for society
