New Frontier Dataによると、アメリカの合法大麻産業は今年、売上高が320億ドルに達すると予測されており、収益は2028年までに630億ドルに達すると予想されている。
Biden pardons marijuana offenses, calls for review of federal law
President Joe Biden on Thursday granted a pardon to all people convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law, in what amounts to the most extensive White House action taken to date on U.S. drug policy.
The president also urged governors to take similar action for state offenses of civil possession of marijuana. In addition, he called on the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to “expeditiously” review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.
The legal cannabis industry is projected to hit $32 billion in sales this year, according to New Frontier Data, with revenues expected to reach $63 billion by 2028.
