実際、過剰なマリファナがあり、価格が非常に低くなったため、カナダ最大の生産者の 1 つである Aurora Cannabis は、大規模な切り花と野菜の生産者の支配権を購入しました。
取引の一環として、Aurora は Bevo Agtech の 50.1% を 3,500 万米ドルで購入します。また、Bevo Agtech は Auroras の 74,000 平方メートルの大麻温室施設を購入し、野菜と切り花の生産に転換することも合意に含まれています。
Veggies and cut flowers a more profitable business than weed.
There is too much Marijuana in Canada! In fact there is so much excess Marijuana and the price has dropped so low that Aurora Cannabis, one of Canada’s biggest producers has purchased a controlling interest in a large cut flower and vegetable grower.
As part of the deal Aurora will purchase 50.1 % of Bevo Agtech for 35 million USD. Also included in the agreement Bevo Agtech will purchase Auroras 74,000 sq meter cannabis greenhouse facility and convert it to vegetable and cut flowers production.
